Committees and positions of responsibility
I am a member of Council, the Human Resources Committee and the Equality and Diversity Committee. A brief description of my career history can be found through the E+D pages at the Cambridge and Diversity project.
I chair the Gender Equality Group and I am the University's Gender Equality Champion.
I am Director of WiSETI, the University's Women in Science, Engineering and Technology Initiative.National
Royal Society
I serve on EDAN , the Royal Society's Equality and Diversity Advisory Network.
A RECORDED CONVERSATION between myself and Dame Linda Partridge regarding our lives as women scientists can be found on the EDAN pages through an mp3 file; the fascinating book by Professor Ottoline Leyser regarding the many different ways women scientists have managed to balance their personal lives and their work, MOTHERS IN SCIENCE, can also be downloaded from the EDAN site.
Athena Forum
I am chair of the Athena Forum , whose mission is to provide a strategic oversight of developments that seek to, or have proven to, advance the career progression and representation of women in science, technology, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) in UK higher education.Awards and Talks
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I was a recipient of one of the UKRC's 2011 Women of Outstanding Achievement Awards ( Lifetime Achievement Award).
I gave a talk on Gender and Science in Academia- Obstacles and Interventions at Oesterreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft Day on Science and Gender in October 2010. A draft of this paper can be found here.
I am frequently asked to talk about gender in science at many different sorts of events. For instance a video of a talk I gave at the 2011 HowtheLightGetsIn Hay Philosophy Festival can be found here. I have recently talked in schools, university and Government meetings about the issues for women in science, and took part in a recent debate organised by Cambridge Triple Helix chapter on 'The Trouble with Women'. .