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Richard Ansorge

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My research interests include Medical Imaging, particularly PET and MRI. Much of this work has been done as a collaboration between the Physics Department and the Clinical School, especially the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre.

My new book On GPU accelerated Scientific Computing Programming in Parallel with CUDA was published in June 2022.   This book is a great introduction to writing your own GPU accelerated code and contains many full-length examples of real-world problems in both physical science and medical imaging.  High quality interesting examples are a real feature of this book, I have tried very hard to make the code compact, elegant and efficient. The examples are freely available from but you will get much more from them if you also read the book. The book does require just a little awareness of C++ which is the language of choice for writing CUDA kernels.

My previous book  Physics and Mathematics of MRI was written in collaboration with Martin Graves in 2016 and is suitable for readers with backgrounds in physical sciences, engineering or computing.  It gives an excellent account of what’s really happening during a clinical MRI scan.  This book also contains some surprisingly elegant mathematics.

One major project I have completed is the construction of a combined PET and MRI scanner. This system allows simultaneous imaging with both modalities.  This poster gives further information.

I have used GPUs for fast medical image processing.  Together with Audrunas Gruslys we have developed Ezys which performs fast and accurate affine and elastic 3D registration on typical MR image data. Currently Ezys uses NVIDIA GPUs and CUDA.  Minimum GPU requirements are compute 2.0 and ~1.5 GB of video ram.

An older  example also using CUDA is here AIRWC - Accelerated Image Registration with CUDA

Graduate Lectures 2010 here: graduate lectures

My Cambridge Physics Centre lecture on  MRI 15/11/2016 is here:  Magical Magnetic Resonance Imaging

An older Cambridge University Physics Society talk given on 25/02/2013  here: Physics of MRI

Simple an ImageJ plugin for Simple IMage PixeL Editing

Here is a link to my first computer program written in 1964 (in EDSAC 2 Autocode)

This work was done as part a Digital Computing class given by Maurice Wilkes in the Lent term of my first year reading mathematics with physics.

My Publications are: Here

My Part IB 2013 Great Experiments Lecture on DNA here

Part IA NST Mathematics Course:  Selected Solutions and handouts  (NB these are now obsolete - but still possibly interesting)