Teaching Material- Biological Physics - 2024 - Pietro Cicuta and Diana Fusco



Course description

This course explores the physical principles of life at the molecular and cellular level, with some examples up to multicellular. It examines how these principles shape the behaviour of cells, enabling them to sense and react to their environment as they grow and divide. The course aims to demonstrate how a description of living systems in terms of complex physical systems complements the traditional experimental investigations of biologists, and can ultimately reveal a deep understanding of the design principles of life.

The course begins with an overview of quantitative cell biology including a lecture aimed at connecting cell biology to background physical knowledge, and a primer on networks [module A].

Neurons play a key role in higher organisms, and we discuss the basics of neural transport which underpin aspects of vision, hearing and information processing [module C].

From there, we turn to the study of the cell as a crowded and disordered environment and explore the effects of this environment on physical models of cellular processes. This leads on to lectures on the cytoskeletal assembly and molecular motors with an emphasis on statistical approaches to modeling dynamical processes within cells [module D].

A quantitative insight into how organisms differentiate spatially for example to form specific organs, or more simply to acquire stripes, comes from reaction-diffusion models [module E]. 

Regulating protein production is a key aspect of how a cell functions; this is looked at first at the level of modeling the reaction with stochastic equations, and then to describe quantitatively activation and repression of gene expression in terms of stat mech models [module F]. These come together in a "dynamical systems" description of regulatory networks to understand transcriptional decisions such as switches and oscillatory behaviour [module G].

The course concludes with an examination of how populations grow and evolve [module B]. 

During the course there will be four guest lectures connecting aspects of the course to active research in Cambridge.

The Part II thermal and statistical physics (or equivalent) course is a requirement, and exposure to material from Part II Soft Condensed Matter (or equivalent) will be very beneficial.

Learning Outcomes:

The physical characteristics of living matter;

Examples and roles of thermal fluctuations and stochastic processes in biological systems;

The use of physical concepts and laws to model biological systems;

Quantitative and physically based models, and their analysis;

The biological significance and key features of the model systems introduced;

Modern experimental techniques for quantitative studies at single cell resolution.

Recommended Reading:

"Physical Biology of the cell (2nd Edition)", Phillips, Kondev, Theriot and Garcia

"Physical Models of Living Systems", Freeman Press, Philip Nelson

"Models of Life", CUP (available online through http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/), Sneppen

"An Introduction to Systems Biology (2nd Edition)", Chapman and Hall, Uri Alon

"Molecular Biology of the Cell", Garland Science, Alberts et al. (cell biology reference textbook)

"Biological Physics", Freeman Press, Philip Nelson

“Mathematical population genetics: Theoretical introduction”, Springer, Warren Ewens

Lecture Notes

Course Notes
These notes cover all the topics in the course, in a fairly discursive way. They don't contain all the info from the overhead slides, but might be useful to provide an overview and to revise.  

Lecture Overheads

The lecture overheads are made available here as PDF files. They will be online in their final form after the end of each course module. 


Module A (updated on 17/10/24)

1.     Lecture 1 overheads

1.     Lectures 2 and 3 overheads


Module C (updated 17/10/2024)

1.     Lectures 4 and 5 overheads


Module D (updated 27/10/2024)

1.     Lectures 6 and 7 overheads


Module E (updated 31/10/2024)

1.     Lectures 8, 9 and 10 overheads


Modules F/G (updated 3/11/2024)

1.     Lecture 11 overheads

1.     Lecture 13 overheads

1.     Lecture 15 overheads

1.     Lecture 17 overheads

1.     Lecture 18 overheads

1.     Lecture 19 overheads


Module B (updated 24/11/2024)

1.     Lecture overheads evolution module



Question Sheets and Supervisions

The question sheet will be covered in 3 supervisions. Please, put your name down for all time-slots you would be available. Please, put down your crsid in the sign-up sheet so that we can assign students to supervisors (there are three sets of columns there! Put your crsid into one for each supervision!)


Answers to parts of the QS will be posted here, a couple of days before each supervision. 

1.     Question Sheet answers modules A, C, D

1.     Question Sheet answers modules E, F

1.     Question Sheet answers modules G, B

Matlab scripts and data files

These are added in the directories you will see visible here. You can find the scripts discussed in lectures in the corresponding folder, and scripts/files related to question sheet material in those folders.


Some interesting or topical papers related to course material

Fascinating description of the early days discovering the genetic machineries.

Concise 2 page overview on cell size control; many references, and it's an open question.

Huxley Hodgkin short letter to Nature showing recording of action potential.

Hopfield seminar paper for neuroscience, in Science 1986 .

Movie of voltage clamping to measure action potential.

Key paper on intrinsic and extrinsic noise, with bacteria experiments.

Nice paper with data on measuring production of single proteins.

Berg and Purcell important paper on distribution of receptors on cell membrane.

Mock exam

This course is relatively new; as well as the January 2016-2024 exam papers, it may be useful to you to see one more example of question structure, and how we try to balance between coursework and quantitative problems. Obviously, this is just intended to help, and there is no guarantee on how similar or dissimilar the actual exam will be, since it is officially not actually set by the course lecturers. We are providing a file with just the questions, and another file including solutions.

1.     Mock exam

2.     Solutions


Useful online resources

A database of useful biological numbers.

A very good introductory lecture to biological physics by Rob Phillips 

  Biological and Soft Systems Sector | Cavendish Laboratory | University of Cambridge  

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File last modified Oct 10 2024